How do You Learn to Retell a Text?


The retelling is one way to remember some of the facts, ideas, and plot lines of a literary work. It can be used to prepare students for analysis, develop good speaking and literacy skills, and develop their ability to think logically. Typically, paraphrases are assigned at home, and children perceive such an assignment as an impossible task.

The technique of paraphrasing

  • A paraphrase is a brief reproduction of the content of a text. Such an assignment is easier to do, if you do not memorize, and try to understand the meaning of the work and the key turns of the plot.
  • Read the text, trace the logic of the events, the possible motives of the characters. If the text is not narrative, the reasoning is better remembered if you understand the author’s point of view.
  • Remember the names of the main characters. Highlight key points that influence the development of the story lines. These key points will become anchor points around which you build your retelling.
  • Repeated reading or listening to the text is encouraged. Often it is the visual perception that contributes to better memorization. If possible, try to combine listening and reading. That way you are engaging two types of memory at once.
  • Most often, teachers forbid the use of text notes directly during the retelling. But making such plans “for yourself” is also very helpful at the preparatory level.
  • Before you begin to write or speak out your paraphrase, read it out in your head, concentrating on the points that pose difficulties. Reread the plot twists that interfere with the free flow of your thoughts.
  • Sometimes a text can evoke its own associations for the person reading it. Take advantage of this. It is associations that are the quickest to remember. Even after a long time, associations can help you retrieve information you may have forgotten.
  • Do not worry about the fact that your retelling deviates from the style and vocabulary of the original text. For retelling, it is important not to memorize, but to get the gist of it. When the content is in your own words, the teacher can see that you are really well prepared.

Oпиcaннaя вышe тexникa пoмoжeт cфopмиpoвaть нaвык любoгo пepecкaзa: в cвoбoднoй фopмe или близкoй к opигинaлy, ycтнoгo или пиcьмeннoгo, кpaткoгo или пoдpoбнoгo. Ocвoeниe этoй тexнoлoгии пoмoжeт быть бoлee yвepeнным нa зaнятияx пo вceм гyмaнитapным и coциaльным диcциплинaм, изyчeниe кoтopыx пoдpaзyмeвaeт нeoбxoдимocть зaпoминaть и вocпpoизвoдить бoльшиe oбъeмы инфopмaции.

Gerald Wong

Gerald L Wong
