Four Ways to Write a Book


An interesting quality book is a rarity today. Sometimes, on the shelves of bookstores among the new literature is difficult to find something really worthwhile. But if such a book is found, how many pleasant moments associated with its reading, it will bring … That’s why more and more people today want to try their hand at writing.

Many of you have wondered how to write a book? What do you need for that, what ideas, genres, characters will be in demand and interesting to the reader? A lot of unanswered questions, which, if they appeared before, immediately vanish, as soon as you sit down in front of a blank sheet of paper with a pen or pencil, and get ready to write.

Really… it seems so easy – just sit down and write whatever pops into your head…! However, a lot of unnecessary, incomprehensible things come into our heads, which only confuse the idea, and not express it. The first sentences appear on the page, and we distinctly understand that “No, this is not what we imagined, touched, saw or even touched. In our minds, we paint three-dimensional pictures, but when we write, we get only a list of unconnected “words”.

Do you think Gogol didn’t fall for it before throwing the manuscript into the furnace? Of course, we will not teach future Gogols what to do in such a case, but for beginning writers it will not be superfluous to tell them about four ways to write a book.

In fact, there are many options.

The first and easiest is to order the writing of a book: record your thoughts on a tape recorder for a professional writer, follow the process of his work and have fun with it. So, chapter by chapter turns into a full-fledged book.

The second option is to choose a co-author in your spirit, interests and way of thinking, so you can complement and motivate each other. Perhaps someone also likes fantasy, like you, or detectives, or love novels. You just need to combine your efforts and ideas, and divide the workload equally, because some people are better at dialogue, and some are better at writing about places, nature, people, and their personalities.

The third way to write a book is to choose an assistant as a consultant, also a professional writer, who has been in the business for a long time and hasn’t been poisoned. This decision has many advantages: you learn to write on your own; you get a lot of new ideas for the book; you discover the energy channels necessary for creativity and inspiration. A person who at least once in his life has fully lived the experience of inspiration is unlikely to want to stop writing.

And the fourth way to write a book: take full responsibility for yourself, go to the library and pick up books on drama to understand for yourself the laws by which the storyline is built, how to properly build character, conflicts, events, descriptions.

Drama books can be downloaded for free from the Internet, and there are plenty of them, but think about it, while you’re mastering them, others in your position will be actively writing. So don’t put off until later what you can devote your time to now.

And the most important thing of all of what is written above is to find the Idea that will lead Bac into the thick of the unfolding events. What else can I wish you but creative success…?! B good and hard journey, my friends!

Gerald Wong

Gerald L Wong
